Monday, January 22, 2007

Goa Calling....

Incase your wondering thats the new slogan ive recently tide me over the chaotic work routine....crazy boss ..busy friends and absolutely tragic lifestyle......i make it a point these days to just let myself go a little adrift every now n again......Goa ..hmmm its a beautiful city....the only place ive ever known which is so distinctly itself a howard roarke from an ayn rand ...untamable....beautiful in its own overpowering way.....
and boy does it linger in your memories....brand recall .....mind share and all the rest of the management jargon...the only place with a tito's.. a mambo's.. a beach and ur own favourite shack....

A city of lights... a city of people...dancing... music... the ocean....

.......Goa is callin'

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Hmmm..Never thought blogging would be addictive somewhat like the friends you cann't stop talking to and the phone calls you just don't want to disconnect...uniterrupted flow of random information ...a peep hole in to your fiefdom

Actually speaking of zara land wonder whats happening ..There was this uprising i distinctly remember and pain and then was supposed to be the land of the free ...but guess we never reached there did it that we sometimes love being hapless....wallowing in self pity and addicted to love lost relationships for some kind of false sense of security . ....and then there's the routine of life adding to the entire hopeless situation.. same job .same road ....same sunday same movie hall .... i need to get de addicted..rehabilitated so to think should go to Goa...Increase friend and good conversation intake ......K and S this ones to you maybe one of these days we'll just live up to all that planning..............

i need to get addicted ........................addicted to being alive again...........................

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy Blogging................

Well its amazing how tedious a simple task like deciding a name for a blog can be ...or for that matter writing one ........its like your bursting to say so many things that you just don't know where to've read the blogger etiquete and the advanced blogger etc etc and somewhere at the back of your head you know that possibly nobody really cares if you had cherios for breakfast but at the cost of offending the discernable reader you can take this one glorious moment right at the beginning of your blogging carrier where you have verbal diarhoea.....the simple, ..pure pleasure of having this one rock solid non judgemental silent spectator..... where u can just let go......

I am quite grateful for the introduction to what i believe will become my favourite sport..................................